Is there anything positive about being antisocial?There's so many negative things that come with it, so I was wondering if there's positive things about this behavior. employs innovative health care technology, information and other resources that provide users with by Jay the Wolf
- Mental Health - well-integrated health
Best Answer - Chosen by VotersI like to think of it as the solitary silence that follows. You get to be by yourself, think deeply about the things you enjoy, and pursue hobbies without the judgment of others. I like being solitary. You don't have to set yourself for rejection, or deal with annoying habits like others eating with their mouth wide open, or possibly harming yourself or others with petty arguments. It provides a peace that is difficult to know with friends.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I Feel Like Crying All The Time !
I Feel Like Crying All The Time ! Why ?Since a few months ago after my cousin died I feel like crying all the time , I cant control my anger and I have really bad mood swings ! I cant study for my exams . and i had mocks a few weeks ago and I think I've failed them all ! I'm a very closed up person so I haven't told anyone that i feel sad and feel like crying all the time ! Should I tell someone ? I'm 15 . employs innovative health care technology, information and other resources that provide users with by Jay the Wolf
- Mental Health - well-integrated health
Best Answer - Chosen by health waleYou are grieving your cousin, even if the reason you are crying is not because of s/he. The thought that that person is gone is upsetting you, which makes you vulnerable to every little thing that goes wrong. In your situation, I would let the grieving run its course. If you are having trouble doing daily things like brushing your teeth or waking up in the morning, or not bothering to do anything on the weekends, I would tell your mother or father, or guardians. It's possible that what started as grievance has turned into Depression, but no one on here can diagnose you. employs innovative health care technology, information and other resources that provide users with by Jay the Wolf
- Mental Health - well-integrated health
Best Answer - Chosen by health waleYou are grieving your cousin, even if the reason you are crying is not because of s/he. The thought that that person is gone is upsetting you, which makes you vulnerable to every little thing that goes wrong. In your situation, I would let the grieving run its course. If you are having trouble doing daily things like brushing your teeth or waking up in the morning, or not bothering to do anything on the weekends, I would tell your mother or father, or guardians. It's possible that what started as grievance has turned into Depression, but no one on here can diagnose you.
I can't get over Edward Cullen!?
I can't get over Edward Cullen!?I have already asked this question and I want you to know:1. I know he is a fictional!2. I know there are no vampires!3. I know that that is just a story!But I am just so sad...I stopped reading books and watching movies....but I just miss him...I compare every guy to him and I am so unhappy because I can't fall in love with anyone....he is just so perfect...but I don't like Rob Pattz....just so you know!I AM SO IN LOVE WITH EDWARD!Trough the book and the movie I lived Bella's life and I feel like I miss him! Like I was Bella and now he left me.... employs innovative health care technology, information and other resources that provide users with by Jay the Wolf
- Mental Health - well-integrated health
Best Answer - Chosen by health waleYou are not in love with a fictional character. You do not care for him like you would a real human. Listen closely. You are trying to live in a world that does not exist, with a man who is not real. You are not Bella, and there is no such thing as Edward Cullen. The fact of the matter is you are in love with the idea of being in love with this idea of Edward. You will get over him. You need to find a hobby to keep your mind off of the books, and move on. If anything else, think of your future. How will you be able to live a fulfilling life by telling every guy you meet that he is not Edward Cullen and no one can live up to this fictional character? employs innovative health care technology, information and other resources that provide users with by Jay the Wolf
- Mental Health - well-integrated health
Best Answer - Chosen by health waleYou are not in love with a fictional character. You do not care for him like you would a real human. Listen closely. You are trying to live in a world that does not exist, with a man who is not real. You are not Bella, and there is no such thing as Edward Cullen. The fact of the matter is you are in love with the idea of being in love with this idea of Edward. You will get over him. You need to find a hobby to keep your mind off of the books, and move on. If anything else, think of your future. How will you be able to live a fulfilling life by telling every guy you meet that he is not Edward Cullen and no one can live up to this fictional character?
Is it true people with OCD can have an Obsession of wanting to find things out?
Is it true people with OCD can have an Obsession of wanting to find things out? employs innovative health care technology, information and other resources that provide users with by Maria
- Mental Health - well-integrated health
Best Answer - Chosen by VotersPeople with OCD manifest their symptoms in a variety of ways. usually having to touch something a certain number of times. People with OCD usually calls these things they do rituals.. if they don't do it, they feel overwhelming anxiety until they do do it.I have never heard of someone with OCD needing to find this out... just sounds like the person is nosy... employs innovative health care technology, information and other resources that provide users with by Maria
- Mental Health - well-integrated health
Best Answer - Chosen by VotersPeople with OCD manifest their symptoms in a variety of ways. usually having to touch something a certain number of times. People with OCD usually calls these things they do rituals.. if they don't do it, they feel overwhelming anxiety until they do do it.I have never heard of someone with OCD needing to find this out... just sounds like the person is nosy...
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