I Feel Like Crying All The Time ! Why ?Since a few months ago after my cousin died I feel like crying all the time , I cant control my anger and I have really bad mood swings ! I cant study for my exams . and i had mocks a few weeks ago and I think I've failed them all ! I'm a very closed up person so I haven't told anyone that i feel sad and feel like crying all the time ! Should I tell someone ? I'm 15 .
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Best Answer - Chosen by health waleYou are grieving your cousin, even if the reason you are crying is not because of s/he. The thought that that person is gone is upsetting you, which makes you vulnerable to every little thing that goes wrong. In your situation, I would let the grieving run its course. If you are having trouble doing daily things like brushing your teeth or waking up in the morning, or not bothering to do anything on the weekends, I would tell your mother or father, or guardians. It's possible that what started as grievance has turned into Depression, but no one on here can diagnose you.